Lighthouse Outreaches
Touching Africa, Middle East and Beyond


Below you will finds listed the project Lighthouse Outreaches is currently involved with.  Please pray about how you can partner with us to make a difference across Africa.
Bicycles for Church Planters - for $200 you can provide a church planter with a bicycle.  Each bicycle will be used to plant at least 5 village churches.  If you do he math that works out to $40 per church plant.



Motorcycles for Overseers - for $2000 you can provide a motorcycle to an overseer of at least 100 churches. This will allow him to easily move from village to village encouraging the church planters and congregations.



Village Water Wells - for $2500 you can bring fresh drinking water to a village church.  People are able to come to the church for the Living Water of God's word and fresh drinking water at the same time.

Water Well


Primary School in Sierra Leone - for $75,000 we can finish phase one of the Primary School outside Lungi, Sierra Leone.  Last year I was there for the groundbreaking and they already have the walls almost up.  We still need to finish the main school building then start on the teacher's housing units.  It is our desire to offer the best education in the district.  By investing in these students we are investing in the future of Sierra Leone.

School Building


School Building


School Building
